Friday, September 28, 2012

why Babycrawlway

Motherhood can be a pretty daunting thought. The first time I held my baby girl in my arms the reality of all that I now was came crushing down on me. I was in awe at the thought that God entrusted me with someone so perfect, so small and so utterly dependant on me. I had the most important job of all. To love, protect and look after this precious little angel. For me it was such a humbling experience to know that I was made for; this important role. I was filled with awe, extreme joy and little panic (I have to admit).
It took me awhile for it all to sink in! I was to take this little girl home with me and watch and help her grow up to be the best person she can be, the one God made her to be.


And so I wanted to start this blog as a way of sharing some of the topics and things I have come to be passionate about or concerned about, now that I am a mother.

My little girl is now 14months old. This past year I have fallen in love with Kids fashion and photography, health and motherhood questions and concerns about how to raise our children in a loving way, which often time, takes courage as it will sometimes mean going against what society is telling us. True love takes courage and wisdom.

So I thought I would blog about baby fashion as we all want our children to dress cute, and beautiful but affordable, as they are Our Pride and Joy. And of course do some fun DIY fashion projects under "project crawlway"

Being Our Pride and Joy and knowing how it’s not only fun to dress them up and make them look oh so adorable, we know that more importantly we need to be taking care of their little bodies and minds by what we feed them. And so, I will be sharing my thoughts and research on children’s health and food under "Beautiful health"

And of course it’s not only important to take care of them physically but also emotionally. I will be writing on a few fun and interesting topics on how to raise Children in today’s world., touching on all topics that concern mothers such as discipline, potty training etc.Working in a Day Care and Montessori school in Ireland for 3 years I learnt so much on how to teach our babies in coordination, math, language, arts and sciences in a fun way. I will be interviewing other moms who have so much wisdom in all these areas, from past experiences, trials, errors and most importantly results. This will be posted under "brat clinic".

I am so excited to begin this journey with you. I am not saying I know everything this is as much a learning process for me as it is for any mother out there. Motherhood is always a work in progress, we grow everyday. but oh, how rewarding is it when our pay check is love from our children. I can’t wait to start writing, researching, interviewing and doing fun projects for our kids.

Look forward to writing and growing with all of you mothers out there.

Your friend and fellow mom